Exciting news! We have just started rolling out compostable hand-packed/titan bags for some of our smaller sized bags. These bags are home compostable and will break down by 90% in ambient temperatures within a year! However, some of the larger sizes have been splitting during packing so we are looking into how we can rectify or improve this. Also we are getting a brief to our designer … [Read more...]
Positive Testing for Compostable Film
This week we have been busy testing compostable film for machine bags. At this stage it feels very positive as it seems strong and durable whilst manipulating the bags during testing. At first we ran into a few problems but once we tweaked the heat and pressure of the machine, the film created a strong seal. It can hold up to 1kg in weight, which is great for our product sizes. Testing the … [Read more...]
Paper Jiffy Bags
Great news today! We have changed from using bubble wrap lined jiffy bags to 100% paper packets with paper pulp to provide extra padding. These are completely plastic free! This is a fantastic addition to our plastic free packaging and will be saving a large amount of plastic by eliminating bubble wrap completely. We hope our customers like the new packaging and we will continue to work … [Read more...]
Compostable Success (Sort Of)!
The weight of some of our products can often pose problems for us as a company when it comes to using hand-packed bags and wanting to become plastic free. Unfortunately, this is the case with the compostable bags that we have been testing recently. They will only be able to hold a weight of up to 500g at the moment. However, we have decided at this stage to proceed with using these … [Read more...]
100% Paper Filler
Our new paper bags have arrived! We will be using the remaining stock of single use plastic bags until they have all been used before using the paper bags to prevent waste. This is exciting as it now means that 100% of our paper packaging filler in our despatch boxes is paper! We are happy that now when customers open their order they won't be confronted with a mass of plastic bubble wrap … [Read more...]